Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sample Book Dummy, Dollectable & LA

I finished transferring all the drawings for my mini book dummy yesterday so all that’s left to do is alittle cleaning up and painting the cover. After that I have to put together the dummy for the art show at the conference and make a few mini ones to pass out. I also have to print and mount 2 copies of my portfolio for the conference. Asaide from that I’m waiting to see if my re-print biz cards get here in time (the first ones where the wrong color)and waiting for the print shop to call me.

On another note, I went to Dollectable on Saturday and met a ton of cool people, learned new things and bought much needed items for my BJD (like hair). After watching the basic face up class I am considering trying my hand at one since apparently you can use pastels (I have a 90 piece Rembrandt set that is currently seeing no use). If you know anywhere that has useful info about face-ups preferably using pastels please email me, note me or otherwise leave me a message. I’ll have to look more into that when I get back from LA.

Which reminds me, I will be gone in Southern California from this Saturday morning till really late Aug. 4th. And since I will be at Disneyland next Monday and Tuesday there will be no studio update. I will have my laptop and the trip but I don’t know about internet.

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